We introduce our new comprehensive collection of study materials that are designed to assist medical students, doctors, and all healthcare professionals in mastering any Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) exam including The PACES (Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) exam conducted by the Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom. This product includes the following: Step-wise Approaches in Clinical Examination: Step-wise Approaches in Clinical Examination Stations are fundamental notes for conducting various clinical examinations including neurology, cardiovascular, respiratory, and abdominal examinations. Each provides a clear outline of the examination process, ensuring you cover all the essential components. Approaches to Present Clinical Cases: Effective case presentation is vital in the OSCE exam after conducting complete examination. These infographics offer valuable guidance on how to present your case efficiently and professionally. It provides tips on organizing your presentation, highlighting key findings, and structuring your communication to convey important information to the examiner. Common Symptoms in History Taking and Communication: Recognising common presenting symptoms is crucial for effective history-taking and communication in the OSCE. This e-book offers a concise overview of frequently encountered symptoms in clinical and communication stations. Commonly Asked Questions and Model Answers: A compilation of commonly asked questions that...